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Contemporary art museum Zagreb, Edible Art

A new year, a brand new product

One year is behind us. We’ve been through a lot and made a lot of lovely memories, but as with any other job, going through ups and downs is inevitable. Luckily for us, ups have greatly outnumbered the downs and that’s why we’re still sailing. One of my favourite things is contact with artists as well as with buyers, who are the main reason for starting up this whole story. I’m happy to see that people often give their own ideas or recommend artists who they think we could include in our project.

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Artists, Interview, Video

OKO interview

When I decided to collaborate with young artists, OKO was the first one that popped into my mind. I was familiar with her work so far, but when I began to dig deeper, reading her interviews and putting them into the context of her work, I got the impression of an artist I hadn’t met yet, but I wanted to come up to.

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Ana Šerić Edible art project

Since 2010 Ana has organized a series of exhibitions on the topic of edible art as well as the ones which emerged as a reaction to her fellow artists’ works. Realizing that there is a need to propagate a concept of self-ironizing art, she came up with a concept of a product/gift/souvenir which goes beyond being just an object and introduces Croatian art to a wider public through active engagement in the project.

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